• 李苏昕

    药剂系 教授
  • 1、教育经历
    (1) 2013/09-2018/10, 北京大学,3499cc拉斯维加斯入口,博士
    (2) 2009/09-2013/06, 我校,基础药学理科基地班,学士
    (1)2022/10-至今,我校, 3499cc拉斯维加斯入口, 教授
    (2)2021/12-2022/10, 我校, 3499cc拉斯维加斯入口, 特聘研究员
    (3) 2018/10-2021/11, 美国西南医学中心, 癌症研究院, 博士后
    (4) 2016/11-2018/10, 美国西南医学中心, 癌症研究院, 访问学者
    (1) 肿瘤免疫治疗
    (2) 环境响应型纳米递送系统构建
    (3) 基因药物递送
    1.Li, S.X.; Luo, M, Wang, Z.H.; Feng, Q.; Wilhelm, J.; Wang, X.; Li, W.; Wang, J.; Cholka, A.; Fu, Y.X.; Sumer, B.D.; Yu, H.T.; Gao, J.M.* Prolonged Activation of Innate Immune Pathways by a Polyvalent STING Agonist. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2021;5:455-466. (IF: 29.234)
    2.Li, S.X.; Bennett, Z.T.; Sumer, B.D.; Gao, J.M.* Nano-Immune-Engineering Approaches to Advance Cancer Immunotherapy: Lessons from Ultra-pH Sensitive Nanoparticles. Acc. Chem. Res. 2020,53,2546-2557. (IF: 22.384)
    3.Liang, Y.Q.1; Li, S.X.1; Wang, X.L.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.N.; Wang, Y.Q.; Wang, X.Y.; He, B.; Dai, W.B.; Zhang, H.; Wang, X.Q.; Zhang, Q.*. A Comparative Study of the Antitumor Efficacy of Peptide-Doxorubicin Conjugates with Different Linkers. J. Control. Release 2018,275,129-141. (IF: 7.901)
    4.Liang, Y.Q.1; Li, S.X.1; Wang, X.Y.; He, B.; He, B.; Dai, W.B.; Zhang, H.; Wang, X.Q.; Wang, Y.G.; Zhou, D.M.; Zhang, Q.*. A Nanosystem of Amphiphilic Oligopeptide-Drug Conjugate Actualizing Both αvβ3 Targeting and Reduction-Triggered Release for Maytansinoid. Theranostics 2017,7,3306-3318. (IF: 8.537)
    5.Li, S.X.; Wang, K.K.; Shi, Y.J.; Cui, Y.N.; Chen, B.L.; He, B.; Dai, W.B.; Zhang, H.; Wang, X.Q.; Zhong, C.L.; Wu, H.N.; Yang, Q.Y.*; Q. Zhang*. Novel Biological Functions of ZIF‐NP as a Delivery Vehicle: High Pulmonary Accumulation, Favorable Biocompatibility, and Improved Therapeutic Outcome. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016,26,2715-2727. (IF: 12.124)