• 肖衍宇

    药剂系 副教授
  • 1、教育经历
    (1) 2002/09-2007/06, 我校, 3499cc拉斯维加斯入口,博士
    (2) 1996/09-2000/06, 我校, 3499cc拉斯维加斯入口,学士
    (1) 2007/07-至今, 我校, 3499cc拉斯维加斯入口, 副教授
    (2) 2000/07-2002/08, 江西中医学院, 3499cc拉斯维加斯入口, 助教
    (3) 2014/06-2015/06, 美国约翰霍普金斯大学 访问学者
    (1) 智能/多功能纳米制剂技术研究
    (2) 微粒制剂研发与产业化
    (1)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,81503027,肿瘤微环境pH敏感的生物破膜剂及其纳米药物载体的溶酶体逃逸功能研究,2016-01-01 至 2018-12-31,21.48万元,已结题,主持
    (2)江苏省自然科学基金,青年项目,201379484,以脑Aβ为靶点的双级靶向多功能纳米递药系统的研究,2013-07-01 至 2016-06-30,20万元,已结题,主持
    1.Zhang, SS; Asghar, Sajid; Zhu, CQ; Ye, JX; Lin, L; Xu, L; Hu, ZY; Chen, ZP*; Shao, F*; Xiao, YY*. Multifunctional nanorods based on self-assembly of biomimetic apolipoprotein E peptide for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. J Control Release. 335(2021) 637-649 (IF: 9.776)
    2.Mei Zhang, Sajid Asghar, Cihui Tian, Ziyi Hu, Qineng Ping, Zhipeng Chen*, Feng Shao*, and Yanyu Xiao* Lactoferrin/phenylboronic acid-functionalized hyaluronic acid nanogels loading doxorubicin hydrochloride for targeting glioma. Carbohyd Polym. 253 (2021) 117194 (IF: 9.382)
    3.Lin Huang, Sajid Asghar, Ting Zhu, Ziyi Hu,Zhipeng Chen*, Yanyu Xiao*. Advances in chlorin-based photodynamic therapy with nanoparticle delivery system for cancer treatment. Expert Opin Drug Del. 18(10), 2021, 1473-1499 (IF: 6.642)
    4.Shanshan Zhang, Sajid Asghar, Junxiu Ye, Ling Lin, Qineng Ping, Zhipeng Chen*, Feng Shao*, and Yanyu Xiao* A Combination of Receptor Mediated Transcytosis and Photothermal Effect Promotes BBB Permeability and the Treatment of Meningitis of Itraconazole. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 23709. (IF: 6.895)
    5.Shanshan Zhang, Sajid Asghar, Feng Yu, Ziyi Hu, Qineng Ping, Zhipeng Chen*, Feng Shao*, and Yanyu Xiao*. Borneol and poly (ethylene glycol) dual modified BSA nanoparticles as an itraconazole vehicle for brain targeting. Int J Pharm. 2020, 575, 119002 (IF: 4.845)
    6.Shanshan Zhang, Sajid Asghar, Feng Yu, Ziyi Hu, Qineng Ping, Zhipeng Chen*, Feng Shao*, and Yanyu Xiao*. The enhancement of N-acetylcysteine on intestinal absorption and oral bioavailability of hydrophobic curcumin. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2020, 154, 105506 (IF: 3.616)
    7.Mei Zhang, Sajid Asghar, Xin Jin, Ziyi Hu, Qineng Ping, Zhipeng Chen*, Feng Shao*, and Yanyu Xiao*. The enhancing effect of N-acetylcysteine modified hyaluronic acid-octadecylamine micelles on the oral absorption of paclitaxel. Int J Biol Macromol. 2019,138, 636-647 (IF: 5.162)
    8.Shanshan Zhang, Sajid Asghar, Feng Yua, Zhipeng Chen, Ziyi Hu, Qineng Ping, Feng Shao*, and Yanyu Xiao*. BSA nanoparticles modified with N-acetylcysteine for improving the stability and mucoadhesion of curcumin in the gastrointestinal tract. J Agr Food Chem. 2019, 67, 9371-9381 (IF: 4.192)